Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Purple Balls

So my son has been hooked on dum dums. This is all my fault being that I use them to bribe him into doing what i need him to do at the moment; be it getting through the grocery store, getting in the stroller instead of pushing it, etc.
So now when he wants a snack he says 'sucker' in his dialect. which isn't as annoying as his high pitched snack call.
So today he is asking for a sucker, which i am not going to give him because he didn't eat breakfast, then I remember the freeze dried blueberries my husband has in his baking shelf that i once placed in an easter egg for the lil guy.
so he is happily munching on these freeze-dried blueberries asking what color they are....which in toddler language sounds similar to "lellow." not to be confused with yellow. =)
I tell him they are purple, but they are called blueberries. He follows with a look of disbelief, like I am trying to pull the wool over his eyes (ie, mama these are not blue....and they are balls not berries [whatever those are])
So I said, "you are right. they are purple balls"
Now my son is walking around with blueberry.....ahem, pardon me, purple ball....stained finger tips and mouth. Well, i'll be a mom about it.
"How cute!"

Check out this pic we have from when he was 7 months or something like that: Blueberry Demolition

For dinner I enjoyed Rising Moon Organics Feta-Hazelnut with Butternut Squash Ravioli with butter sauce.

Butter Sauce
4T unsalted butter
4t basil
2T Capers
1/4 tub of Feta
Fresh Cracked pepper

1. Melt butter in pan on medium heat
2. Add remaining ingredients
3. Let combination infuse for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
4. Turn off heat, you can let it stand until the ravioli is done an just spoon it a top your pillows.

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