Singlehanded Wife

My husband, bless his heart, works all over and as a result i am home with the i think a single Wife sums it up.

Hot Kitchen (Wife eye candy)


  1. Love this guy! :-)

  2. Miss, I'll tell ya, I spent years doing this gig when hubs was in the Navy. Girl, it's not easy and my hat goes off to ya and my heart goes out. I'm always a phone call or a Facebook away if ya get wiggy. Bet thing you can do is have a solid support system - girlfriends will get you through anything.

    1. Melis!
      i am sure you have felt me sending you wigging out vibes most evenings when the day is almost done and the toddler is flinging poo filled diapers all over the living room and the baby is freaking out saying, "mama that kids squeeel is most annoying." And goodness our teenager is hunkering down in the basement which is what i most certainly, in those moments, wish i were doing while the storm passes. in those moments i think....
      i have to call her and get some insight.....yet, right after the youngest falls asleep....and then.....
      you know what happens. but just knowing that you are there to walk with me through it cuz you have been there before, sista that is the best part. i am lucky to have you in my life. And you have known me my whole life.
