Friday, May 18, 2012

Jabba, Rasta Candle, and a Surprise

I spent my day with Jabba the Hut, aka my youngest of almost 2 months.

This lil baby has been the best. I put him down in the evening, and i am referring to dressing him in his pjs and putting him in his crib, and he falls asleep on his own. Not only does he have this magic trick but he only wakes up once, maybe twice a night. He has just been like this since he was born. Good Baby!

Well I feel most of my day is consumed with the toddler and mostly keeping him away from baby in the late afternoon because baby seriously can't handle a toddler's whine. Today, I actually had a chance to play with this lil dude while folding laundry to Stevie Wonder. And he pulls out this awesome magic trick and giggles at me while I am tickling him....for the first time. This baby is very Zen so this moment is hallmark. i tried  tape it but it was difficult because he was on to me.

Anyways, earlier today it rained, thank god! and the middle child and I decided to make a crayon candle.
Here is how you do it.

Crayons (not washable)
can (label peeled off
Sauce pan
mold for candle (we used a glass one so these instructions are for that)

1. pick out crayons and peel label off. the best way to do this is to take a knife and slice down the length of the crayon.
2. break crayons up and place in tin can
3. fill pan with water and place can in water (you are creating a double boiler)
4. boil water until crayons melted in can
5. place wick in mold
6. Carefully pour wax into mold and let cool ( you can cool wax down faster if the mold is in an ice bath)
7. Choose more colors and you can create layers.

Ours is a Rasta Candle because that is how we roll!

Cool thing is when teh wax melts you can pour it out and make lil rock crayons. you just wait til the wax cools put is still palpable to mold and mold it into a a rock. now let your lil one color with it again...cuz mama is done with her zen moment with candles and  now it is play time again.
"Thank you sweetie for letting mama borrow your crayons."

My husband is the king of surprises, mostly because he know I love them and it is hard hard hard to surprise me. So my husband came today (surprise) and we are going on an adventure in our syncro with the kids. Where to? don't know. Bring it on. More on that tomorrow.

Mama is very happy!

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